Friday 1 April 2011

Some Good News...... a little-mentioned feature of the recent budget was the fact that the Small Business Rate Relief Holiday has been extended by one year. So this means that business premises with a rateable value of less than £6,000 will have another year of free rates from October 2011. This is good news for Cardigan Traders and other small businesses all over the UK.

In other news, some local businesses may be surprised to find that they are no longer listed the latest BT Phone Book. If you pay your BT Phone Line Rental to BT then get a free line entry in the BT Phone Book. However, if you have moved to another service provider for your line rental, you no longer get a free line in the BT Phone Book,... something the alternative providers neglect to mention when you switch.

The new BT Phone Book is designed to fit through a household letterbox. It looks a lot smaller than the previous book. In fact I weighed both the old and the new books and the new book is over 30% less in weight. It's a sign of the times, I think, that indicates that businesses will be less reliant on the traditional paper directories and move towards the internet and on-line directories.

The Yellow Pages is also changing format to one that will fit through a letterbox. It will be interesting to see how much smaller this will become also.

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